Hello there!

Thank you for your interest in becoming a dealer, and expanding the magic of mother nature’s botanical gifts to the world.

By partnering with us we offer 15% baseline commission on net sales (excluding shipping, taxes and returns).

Once you get approved, commission payments are made monthly to your Paypal account.

We work closely with our dealers by updating them first on our newest launches and discussing innovative ways to work together.

We provide photos, creative, copy, and banners to support your site, plus dealers-only special offers & promotions. If you're an artistic aromatherapist, energy healer, yogi, photographer, or influencer, we are open to collaborating in any creative way that is synergistic to your craft.

Fill out the online registration form here, and we'll be in touch as soon as we have approved your application.


With Love & Gratitude,

Organic Dealers Team.